Thursday, October 16, 2008

Introducing "Ask Anyone...Ever"

A few days ago...the day before Lisa decided to begin her advice , to be exact...I had a brilliant idea. What if the people who wrote (or called in) to Ann Landers, Dear Abby, Marjorie Proops, or Dolly Parton (in that movie Straight Talk) could get real advice. Something from a regular a celebrity...who knows and understands their pain. Then I thought, what if all the voices in my head could get the same service. It was a stroke of brilliance! A blog where ANYBODY could ask advice of ANYBODY, living or dead. Ask Anyone Ever!

Then Lisa started her advice blog. Realizing great minds think alike, and knowing the mediocrity of my own mind, I felt compelled to ask Lisa what she was thinking. If, in fact, great minds DO think alike, and mine is merely mediocre, why am I thinking alike with a truly great mind? It occurs to me that the solution is that either this is a brilliant idea or Lisa's mentally slumming. Either way, not wanting to steal Lisa's thunder I offered to be a "guest columnist" on her blog and submitted a couple posts, channeling other great minds like Mr. Rodgers and Sarah Palin.

Lisa deemed both unsuitable for her (apparently) weak-stomached audience.

Well, boo on them. Boo on them all. So, given the fact that this advice is too important to be wasted on nobody (I mean, the idea wasn't "Nobody ask Anyone Ever") I feel compelled to Blog it myself. It is sincere wish that while I doubt anybody is actually reading anything, nobody will learn everything from anyone in this blog and everybody will...dammit, I'm confused.

Have fun. Ask questions...because if you don't, I will.